Friday, April 24, 2009

New Operating System

Apple "Macintosh" made great computers and software, the pioneer of system/computer.
Microsoft "Windows" made great marketing and created a boost on System/Computer, giving company like "Acer, Sony, Dell and many more a space to go on and on.
Both of Apple and Microsoft stand in and place "Fear" in a lot of humans minds that no others can start a brand new Operating System!
Today I present to you, the new Operating system! and new Brand! and a new company that create every single things suit you needs!!
Megahard- "Bengintosh"

  Want to know more? Stay on with ""
                                                      Next Post coming soon! 


DoWn SyndrOm3 said...

seriously tis is goin 2 happen 2 be real???

SuB said...

lolz...... i posted a latest update d.... u go read then u will know d!! lolzzz......